My journey into Lap Band land.

Hello! I am currently 36 years old and have made the decision to have the Lap Band surgery done. This is my journal from the time of my decision and all the steps that will follow. I am hoping to find people that can relate with me or to help those who are looking for answers regarding this procedure.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Here we go..

Back in the more seminar! This time with Bridges. The ladies there promised there are no program fees and commented on the fees so I at least know that they know what I'm talking about. I'm not sure about the facility, I know it's old and not "visually" pleasing, but I'm hoping they still have cutting edge equipment.

Having a rough day with eating today :( The children are fighting non stop and I just want to lock myself away for some peace and quiet. 4 more weeks till school starts!!!!

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