My journey into Lap Band land.

Hello! I am currently 36 years old and have made the decision to have the Lap Band surgery done. This is my journal from the time of my decision and all the steps that will follow. I am hoping to find people that can relate with me or to help those who are looking for answers regarding this procedure.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

One more seminar and some wishing.

I rounded up child care for tonight. My husband and I will be going to one more seminar, might not be the last but I hope it will be. My husband is very supportive of me, he doesn't like the idea of surgery because it''s surgery, but as far as me doing what I feel is necessary he's there for me. He can diet and exercise and lose weight and keep it off....I'm his saboteur. I'm hoping that once I can get myself under control that we can be happy and healthy.

I miss taekwondo. I managed to earn my blackbelt even though I was around 280 pounds the entire time. I really enjoyed myself, but unfortunately the wife of the owner and I had a disagreement where she questioned my ability as a parent and told me my children "weren't normal" at which point my husband and I decided that it was not the place for us. Since I stopped my weights gone up and I'm finding it really hard to exercise at all. It's not really aches and pains from joints that's prohibiting me it's that I get headaches every time I exercise. My blood starts pumping and my head starts throbbing. I'm really hoping that losing weight will help with this.

Here is a video of me doing my made up form for black belt testing...(I only show it because for some reason the camera made me look taller and thinner lol)


  1. Very cool video. I always wanted to try martial arts, but was too chicken shit and out of shape. Maybe I'll give it a go after I lose some weight.

  2. You need to find a new place and get back into that're great and it's apparent you love it!
